Fostering the Growth Of MSMEs In Jordan

Micro and Small-sized Enterprises are an essential driver of employment and economic stability in Jordan. The sector requires assistance to keep businesses afloat, as well as systems-level interventions to address longstanding barriers to MSE resilience, formalisation, and growth.

Expectation State is collaborating with Mercy Corps to deliver Iqlaaع, a transformative five-year USAID-funded program dedicated to supporting Jordan’s micro and small-sized enterprises following the COVID-19 crisis. Its aim is to stabilise and empower MSEs to foster resilience and growth amidst future challenges.

As part of this partnership, Expectation State is conducting targeted research to identify barriers to MSEs’ access to finance and propose tailored solutions, engaging in policy mapping to define roles for government and the private sector in promoting MSE growth. This includes providing technical assistance to develop frameworks for social impact indicators and advocate for responsive lending practices.

By combining a diverse range of technical expertise, Iqlaaع strategically implements crisis response, enterprise strengthening, inclusive job creation, and financial sector development within a market-systems development framework tailored to the evolving needs of Jordan’s MSEs.