Archive of Theme: Climate

Exploring The Intersection Of Climate Change And Mobility Dynamics

Exploring The Intersection Of Climate Change And Mobility Dynamics

Exploring The Intersection Of Climate Change And Mobility Dynamics

Migration and mobility are key considerations with regard to the impact of climate change. In the Middle East, a region of large-scale internal, intra-regional and inter-regional migration, the implications are varied and complex. Expectation State (ES) collaborated with The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) to assess the nexus between climate change and migration in the Middle East.  The initiative, funded by the Danish Refugee Council, assessed Read More

Developing an Investment Strategy for Renewable Energy and Regenerative Agriculture in MENA

Developing an Investment Strategy for Renewable Energy and Regenerative Agriculture in MENA

Renewable Energy and Regenerative Agriculture have experienced a significantly increased level of attention from donors, investors and foundations over the last five years as components of addressing the global climate crisis. These approaches must be rooted in the existing ecosystem Read More