Designing a high-level programme strategy

Expectation State was commissioned by American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) to develop a Context Analysis and High-Level Program Strategy Paper for AFSC work in Tunisia, Libya and Morocco.

We delivered a Context Analysis and High-Level Program Strategy Paper for AFSC work in Tunisia, Libya and Morocco. 

The objective of the context analysis was to provide AFSC with a general understanding of each of the three countries’ economic, social and political situation. The high-level programme strategy then identified areas of potential work aligned with AFSC’s goals and objectives for the MENA region. Expectation State designed the High-Level Strategy for AFSC in these countries based on an analysis of the state of these countries in terms of peace, justice, migration, displaced communities, economic sustainability, protection of the environment, protection of minorities as well as other areas of focus. The strategy covers short and mid-term planning and provides direction for long term programming for the organisation. We provided specific reports for each one of the countries (Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco), analysing the context and  providing recommendations.